The Mental Health Crisis of a Teen

Stating some key facts it is said that around 10 to 19 year old individuals mainly experience mental disorder which have accounted upto 13% in the Indian households among which individuals have been dealing with the issues of anxiety, sheer depression and behavioral disorders also which have caused sincere illness and disability amongst them. The Rehabilitation Centre in Gurgaon also adds up stating that suicide is also one of the issues, where the pressure of dealing with the societal norms and changes in physical and mental growth have thus limited the opportunities towards growth for both the parties. The Rehabs in Gurgaon and the Rehabs in New Delhi mainly quotes that the teen age is mainly a period which is highly unique in nature and is a very formative time for many individuals where the kids usually deal with the social change around us which also take a physical and emotional toll on their growth including the risks of sexual abuse and violence with the issue of pover...