Alcohol Triggering Neurotransmitters

 The rehabilitation center in Gurgaon, have witnessed thousand cases of alcohol abusers who have managed to damage their own body system because of the heavy dose or consumption of alcohol. These rehabilitation center in Gurgaon have discussed several facts with the reputed doctors and researchers of our country concluding and talking about the terms of which are the neurotransmitters which get highly affected due to the consumption of alcohol. Thus, getting answers to all these questions, the rehabilitation center in Gurgaon has discussed several facts regarding consumption and effects on the brain of alcohol. 


The addiction of alcohol is one of the hardest addictions to kick as almost 30% of Indians have suffered from an alcohol use disorder in 2021, which is close to a number of 100 million. In 2010, nearly 18 million Indians were classified as being an addict to alcohol and that is the number one choice when it comes to substances of addiction and abuse and that it is the most common form of addiction. Now, not many people think that alcohol is particularly dangerous, but given the number above and its withdrawal effects, it is legit to say that alcohol is one of the worst or hardest addictions to kick in as it is a fact that nearly 10 people die every hour because of alcoholism.


Now, alcohol mainly affects the brain as it contains ethanol within alcohol which causes the rise of chemical reactions in the brain. As alcohol is chronically abused it thus changes the way our brain functions and it will begin to require the substance to again feel normal. It is the chemicals in our brain that send messages which are thus affected; these are the neurotransmitters which tell our body what to do. The inhibitory neurotransmitters do calm down the brain and make them feel balanced and at ease. Although there is total 4 neurotransmitter substance, the initial two which highly responds to alcohol are as follows:


GABA: It is the main neurotransmitter which is inhibitory and reduces the level of excitability in our brain making the individual feel relaxed. Now as the level of alcohol increases the level of GABA is transmitted and this inhibition becomes an abnormality experiencing problems of losing motor skill control, memory loss etc. And as one consumes alcohol for a long time, the brain will hence adapt and increase this inhibition causing tolerance effect means that the same feeling or effect is needed again and again.


DOPAMINE: This is the neurotransmitter which is also affected by alcohol and it sits within the reward system part of our brain and is usually released when we experience pleasure including the consumption of alcohol. Thus the initial effects will make one feel euphoric and the reinforcement process starts releasing by the dopamine. Alcohol thus interferes in this section and inhibits the ability to feel pleasure, as used constantly it decreases the natural ability to produce this substance and the withdrawal symptoms will consist of tremors, hallucinations, convulsions, sweating, irregular heartbeat etc.






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