Diet Chart of Rehabilitation Center in New Delhi

 Distinguishing the best products from the fruitful regions, the Rehabilitation Center in New Delhi delivers all the ranges of fruits and vegetables to their patients. From storing the vegetables and fruits in a cool environment to maintaining a hygienic peace, the Rehabilitation Center in New Delhi, keeps the fruits and vegetables fresh. Offering a high-quality diet charge, the Rehabilitation Center in New Delhi believes in maintaining a healthy lifestyle by fulfilling the eating habits via going for organic products for the patients only satisfying and aiming for the best for them.

Some of the unique vegetables included in the diet are as follows:


It is a smooth-skinned and dark green in color, this three sided vegetable is also known as the Moringa tree. Exported from India in tonnes every year across the globe, drumsticks are used in various daily lunch recipes and are excessively known for their nutritional qualities. Due to its healthy qualities, a the exporting number of these drumsticks have severely increased in the past years and also has a forthcoming large business opportunity. Having qualities of Vitamin C, K, B12, A and B, it also contains Magnesium, Iron, calcium and Niacin.

Small Onion:

Either small onions or button onions or sambar onions, we call it all, are relatively smaller kinds of onions, which have a slightly sweet taste with a mild flavor sense. Containing high amounts of flavonoids and fibre benefits, small onions are extremely good for your health, having various nutritional benefits, keeping you fit and fine.


Ash Gourd:

Ash Gourd or the wax gourd is a low calorie and high fiber vegetable, containing high water contents. Consumption of ash gourd helps in improving digestion and also promotes a healthy body weight as low calorie and water-dense foods help in losing weight. Also, Ash Gourd is a valuable and a good source of soluble fiber.

Pointed Gourd:

Pointed Gourd mainly comes from a vine plant family, with a bitter and mild flavour. Studded with several nutritional values, the Pointed Gourd severely purifies the blood, reduces any mild flu, whereas boosting your immunity, is good for digestion and also has anti-ageing qualities.

Ivy Gourd:

Known as Tindori in India, Ivy Gourd is a highly nutritional source for diabatic patients. Being helpful for gonorrhea, wounds and constipation problems, the Ivy Gourd’s fruits and leaves are also used as a cooking vegetable in many parts of India and in several Asian countries.

Red Banana:

Smaller and sweeter than yellow bananas, Red Bananas are usually considered as a cooking vegetable, rather than a fruit. Rich in antioxidants and having the nutritional qualities of Vitamin C and B6, they mainly offer low-calorie. However, having a high-fiber addiction towards snacks, meals and nourishing desserts, Red Bananas highly contribute towards the improvement of heart and digestive health problems are also included in a healthy diet.

Elephant Yam (Suran):

Crisp and firm, with a dark brown skin texture, Elephant Yam, is usually known as Suran in the Indian household. Filled with healthy and good gut bacteria, Suran rebuilds your complete digestion process and also promotes weight loss. Individuals experiencing weight problems due to gastric issues, bloating and irritable bowel syndrome can get healthier solutions by eating this vegetable.



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