Difference Between Long & Short Term Residential Program


Many Rehabs in Gurgaon offer several types of treatment programs for the drug and alcohol addicts. There are more than 25+ Rehabs in Gurgaon with a potential of offering around 5+ treatment programs under their service. However, the most counted or accepted treatment types in the Rehabs in Gurgaon are the Long term residential program and the Short term residential program. Below are the certain differences between the two.


Long Term Residential Program:


The long term residential treatment usually provides a 24 hours day care giving a non-hospital type setting. Many of the Rehabs in Gurgaon offer this service. With a planned length of stay between the periods of 6 to 12 months, they mainly have the treatment model of therapeutic community. These therapeutic communities focus on the resocialization program of the individual and tend to use a completely different community including the staff, residents and even the social context which are the active components of treatment.


Short Term Residential Program:


The short-term residential program does provide an intensive but relatively brief treatment which is mainly based on the 12-step approach. This program was mainly designed to treat the alcohol problems of a patient, but during the cocaine epidemic in the mid-1980s, this program began to treat the other types of substance disorders as it was convenient and efficient. The original residential treatment model mainly consisted of a 3-6 week hospital, which was based in the inpatient treatment phase, priority followed by an extended outpatient therapy and also the participation in a good self-help group like the AA.


Now, many Rehabs in Gurgaon measure this process and the 6 months outcomes for several patients treating them in a long-term residential treatment program and many in the short term residential program. Patients who mainly receive the long-term treatment program experience improvements between the entry into the program and a 6 months follow up as these patients mainly have an engagement in the treatment more than the patients in the short-term residential group. The follow-up patients in the long-term residential group are more likely to have a positive maintained abstinence and less to have experienced homelessness in a short-term group.


Addressing the problems which are associated with the short term program many institutes have a long term residential treatment program for the adults with a dual diagnosis. Thus, both the long term and short term programs have an integrated substance abuse and a mental illness treatment in a day program setting as the short term program is also eventually closed because of the poor outcomes.

The long-term residential program is mainly different from the short-term residential program in various respects. It is community based rather than hospital based. Patients are allowed to enter, leave, and reenter the program over several months while the individualized treatment planning occurs. Abstinence was required, but relapse was also dealt with therapeutically and did not result in immediate discharge from the residence. The living and vocational skills are also emphasized here. The patient’s length of stay is unlimited, although the goal is to achieve discharge by two years, compared with three to six months for the short-term residential program.


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