The Onset of Alcoholism in Gurgaon


The Alcohol Rehabilitation Center in Gurgaon region, discussed the seriousness of the consumption of alcohol in the human body and it’s working in the human body. These Alcohol Rehabilitation Center in Gurgaon region have witnessed several types of alcohol addicts suffering from mild to severe conditions which are a sincere concern for the society. The Alcohol Rehabilitation Center in Gurgaon are working towards the betterment of the society, raising the consumption of alcohol as a serious concern as it is legal in India, consumed by teenagers to adults to old age groups as well.


Alcoholism treatment as it exists today, also rests on decades of research exploring the most effective ways of helping people to reduce the consumption and use of alcohol. Research has eventually paved the way for development and application towards new methods and therapies and also will continue to influence the treatment practices in the future. Alcoholics Anonymous was initially founded by Bill Wilson and Bob Smith in Akron, Ohio in 1935. The Alcoholics Anonymous program was of spiritual and character development which basically consisted of the 12 steps treatment program which was based on the premises of turning an individual’s life and will into a meaningful one consisting of ‘Higher Power’, which is eventually the key towards recovery. Another essential idea was that the recovery or sobriety mainly depends on the admission of powerlessness with respect to alcohol or any other substances of abuse.


The cause of alcoholism in the Gurgaon area has been a problem since the mid 90s. Gurgaon is an IT hub booming with new inventions and buildings everyday on the move. Therefore, as the center of the multinational corporations have brought the western culture with them, the use of alcoholism has been exploited in the region by the locals, mainly the primitive families, and now standing as a major problem. Some of the initial causes are early mental health disorders, nerve wracking environment, consuming alcohol with medications, peer pressure, family history etc.


 The medicines and therapies used in the treatment process can only be effective if the patient shows an explicit attitude towards putting up with a drastic change in their behavior pattern. The comprehensive treatment plans are thus developed and constructed in such a manner, so as to treat the individual’s whole body into typical physical treatments including a nutritional diet, withdrawal management, exercise, as well as mental, spiritual and emotional treatments.


Gurgaon is always known for having a long key in the area of drugs and alcoholism trafficking. From small shops to big executive officers are seen on the radar caught up in the act by the government officials. In Spite of having several rehabilitation centers and other districts, the condition in this Northern city of India, is just worsening day by day. Several rehabs in Gurgaon district have seen patients passing by, however witnessing the patients into a relapse phase as the air in the state is smoked up by drugs. These rehabs in Gurgaon area, using all the treatment processes and also after receiving aid from the government, are trying hard to commit their best towards the betterment of the society.


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