Alcohol Addicts and their Junk Eating Habits
The Alcohol
Rehabilitation Center in New delhi states that junk food consumption
for alcohol addicts is not at all healthy and safe. The Alcohol Rehabilitation Center in New delhi also says that as the
body already is consuming a toxic substance, after it’s exception it needs
something healthy for active maintenance. However, when not found it can result
in completed termination of any functioning part. There are currently around +55
Rehabilitation Center in New delhi
Junk food. Last week after a hectic class
lecture, exhausted and starved, I managed to walk to the college canteen. I
would have simply bought anything on which I would have set my eyes upon. So
once again I was going to find my solace in such foods. Gazing helplessly my
eyes caught the attention of a yellow packet of lays. After I finished the
packet with an appy.......... I was just telling you a part of my busy life.
Like me, most of us have very busy lives and so without spending much time and
money we buy such foods to feed us, oh sorry to fool us.
A study links fast food and junk food to
You may be aware that fast and processed foods
can harm your physical health, leading to diabetes and obesity, as well as
premature cardiac death, cancer,strokes, and more.
But these
foods are also altering your brain and your mental health – fueling depression,
mental illness, and other issues.
to a study published in thePublic Health Journal,people who eat fast foods are
51% more likely to develop depression compared to those who eat little or no
fast food.
Study published in theJournal of Adolescent Health Found that eating just one
serving of French fries per week during adolescence increased women’s breast
cancer risk later in life by 27%.
A study
published inCirculationfound that eating fast food one time per week increased
the risk of dying from coronary heart disease by 20%— a risk that grew to 50%
for people eating fast food two or three times per week.
documented impacts from these foods include:
● Brain fog
● Mood swings
● Anxiety
● Violence and aggression
The science of food addiction says these foods
produce the same biochemical effects in the brain that are characteristic of
substance abuse. Hundreds of millions of people have come to crave these
unhealthy foods.
Despite the association, junk food was not the
only possible cause of depression. The studies showed that those who ate the
most fast food and commercial baked goods were also more likely to be single,
less active, and have poor dietary habits, which includes eating less fruit,
nuts, fish, vegetables, and olive oil. Those who were depressed were also more
likely to be smokers and work more than 45 hours per week, according to the study.
We need a revolution about our food, nutrition, and health, and it starts with
I have not seen a study in support of junk
food (empty calories) and mental health, although people should realize that
minimally processed foods (bagged salads, roasted nuts, canned tuna, frozen
fruit, nut butters, tomato sauce, etc.) are fine. Hartley says-"But people
who have poor-quality diets often have subclinical deficiencies of essential
nutrients. The body needs nutrients to make neurotransmitters, and so, sure,
nutrient deficiencies may have a role in some mental and behavioral
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