Breaking The Stigma of Therapy


The Rehabilitation Centre in Gurgaon in collaboration with the Rehabs in Gurgaon states that living in a society which is completely ignorant to the concept of mental health, what if I told you nothing needs to be wrong with you to take therapy. Let me break down why it is ok to seek help for your mental health just as you seek help for your physical health. Take it from me not because I am a psychology student but as a fellow human being who also has her ups and downs in mental health.

Psychiatrist and Psychologist

The Rehabs in New Delhi mentions that the first thing I would like to address is the difference between a psychiatrist and a psychologist.

A psychiatrist is merely a medical practitioner who is mainly concerned about the physical aspects of the mental health problem like imbalance in the neurotransmitters or abnormalities in the brain structure and gives treatment and support in the form of medications and surgery. In most of the cases, a psychiatrist does not give counseling or therapy. A psychiatrist holds an MBBS degree and specialization in psychiatry.

Having said that, a psychologist is more considerate about the thought process and behaviour aspect of an individual and aids in re-construction of rational thoughts and appropriate behaviour patterns.

A psychologist helps a troubled individual by helping him/her understand the origin and background of why they feel a certain way, their practised unhealthy behavioural pattern and negative thought patterns. They also help an individual in developing a good and healthy thought process and behaviour thereby enabling an individual to live a holistic life with greater general well-being.

A psychologist holds a UG degree in psychology along with specialization in PG level and might extend to M.Phil and PhD in psychology. Now that I have explained the most common misassumptions, let me tell you why taking therapy is ok and doesn't deserve the stigma it holds.

It is ok

First of all, let me ask you something. A complete body check-up seems to be ok. Visiting a dentist for a regular check-up seems to be ok. But why is that getting closure about yourself and shredding the baggage you have been carrying since the day you were born seems to be not ok?

While it is a popular notion that only people with mental disorders seek a psychologist and damage to mental health is irreversible, let me tell you that they all make no sense. Seeking a psychologist doesn't make you a psycho or an abnormal person. It's just that our mind and soul needs to be fed and detoxified every once in a while. As idealistic as I might sound, seeking therapy is just as normal as seeking a doctor for a common cold.

Few of them hold the belief that a psychologist/therapist just talks, talks, and only talks and gives advice. But that is not the reality. A psychologist is a person with a high level of self-awareness and helps their client deal with their problems on their own by teaching them coping techniques. A psychologist only guides and doesn't force or advise a person to do something. Guidance is enabling a person to develop the ability to pick up decisions on their own. Most important of all is that a good psychologist is the most non-judgmental person on earth. A psychologist uses therapies such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy, Gestalt psychology and much more.







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