Treatment For Drug Addiction - Getting Beyond the Dependency of Drugs


Strictly speaking, addiction is a chronic dependency that the body develops toward a substance, drug, food, or chemical to simulate the feeling of normalcy. At times this is not as simple as it sounds; what the body deciphers as necessary for life may itself be the very thing that destroys it. Take for instance; drug addiction (which sometimes clinically differs from drug dependency) happens when the body craves the ingestion of a drug to diminish its heightened sense of anxiety and when this drug of choice is ingested, inhaled, or injected into the bloodstream, a sense of calm and serene satisfaction blankets the body and the craving subsides. Drug addiction to such potent drugs as heroin, opium, cocaine, and methamphetamines, is one of the most dangerous and potent killers in today's society and there are various ways in which it can be treated but before we examine that, let us explore why it starts. We have the best Drug Rehabilitation Centre in Gurgaon.

Most drug addicts get into drug use after experiencing some traumatic experience such as the death of a loved one, an accident, the loss of an important relationship, or even after learning of the existence of a terminal illness. The addict then goes into a state of denial where he or she needs an additive to "cope" with life. Initially, the addict rationalizes that he or she can keep drug usage under control. Sometimes the drug, such as methamphetamine, will promise the user an ecstatic high that blankets the present pain of living and offers a thrill that surpasses all else that the addict has ever known and in so doing attempts to numb reality. Once the addict has solidly settled into regular drug use, the body’s chemical balance is altered to where it needs the drug in ever-increasing amounts to produce the same high. At this point, the addict is overwhelmed by feelings of helplessness and no longer has any control. It is at this juncture that he or she needs immediate help. Let us examine the treatment for drug addiction.

Social treatment

There are those of the school of thought that to transition the addict to full recovery, the root cause of the addiction has to be tackled. In other words, the hurt, pain, and disappointment that caused the addict to fall into addictive behavior have to be addressed. This is where family and friends come in handy in loving and supporting the addict back to life. It is at this point that the addict needs a support system. Attending an addicts recovery group such as the 12-step program also serves the same purpose.

Anti-addictive drugs

In the same way, there exists drugs that induce an addiction, doctors, and pharmacists have also formulated drugs that combat that same addiction. These drugs such as methadone, attempt to restore the body's original chemical balance so that the addictive drug loses its hold on the addict. One downside to these anti-addictive drugs is that they are themselves addictive if taken without a prescription. You can contact us through our website, we have the best Drug Rehabilitation Centre in Gurgaon


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